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January 31, 2024

ThriveAgric & Mercy Corps Partner to Empower 6,000 Farmers & Combat Climate Change in North East Nigeria

The fertile plains of North East Nigeria hold immense agricultural potential. Yet, beneath the surface lurks a silent thief: post-harvest loss. 40% of farmers' precious harvests – cowpea, soybeans, rice, and maize – disappear before reaching tables, crippling livelihoods and threatening food security. This issue isn't isolated; it's a complex web spun from inadequate storage, poor practices, and the harsh realities of a changing climate.

But amid this challenge, a beacon of hope shines. We joined forces with Mercy Corps - Rural Resilience Activity (RRA), a global humanitarian organization, to launch a groundbreaking project: "Preventing the Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture." This ambitious initiative targets 6,000 smallholder farmers across Yobe, Adamawa, and Gombe states, aiming to revolutionize their lives and rewrite the narrative of the region.

Impact at its Core: Aligning with SDGs 1 & 2

This project isn't simply about saving food; we’re seeing the bigger picture. It's about aligning with two crucial Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 1, No Poverty, and SDG 2, Zero Hunger. By empowering smallholder farmers, the project tackles poverty at its roots, while simultaneously strengthening a key pillar of food security in Nigeria.

Numbers Tell the Story:

  • 6,000 farmers: The project's reach is substantial, directly impacting the lives of thousands.
  • 40% post-harvest loss: This staggering figure highlights the severity of the challenge and the potential for change.
  • 20% reduction target: By reducing post-harvest loss by just 20%, the project expects to save over 3,600 metric tons of produce annually.
  • $1.8 million income increase: This projected surge in farmer income paints a clear picture of the project's economic impact.

Empowerment Through Technology & Knowledge:

The project's heart lies in Tradr, ThriveAgric's digital marketplace. By connecting farmers directly to buyers, it cuts out exploitative middlemen and ensures fair prices. But the support doesn't stop there.

  • Training: 6,000 farmers received comprehensive training on best practices for storage, drying, and packaging. Learning about water harvesting techniques, building of terraces to combat erosion, adopting drought-resistant crop varieties, and equipping them to navigate the uncertainties of climate change.
  • Technology Support: With the aid of our proprietary technology - The Agricultural Operating System (AOS) - we provided farmers with real-time market information, weather updates, and access to financial services, empowering them to make informed decisions and manage their farms effectively.

Beyond Individual Farmers: Building Infrastructure & Resilience

The project's impact extends beyond individual farms and statistics. It’s about  empowering individuals and communities.

  • Warehouses: The provision of additional storage facilities in the rural communities for this project boosted storage capacity and reduced transportation costs, which further strengthened impact within the ecosystem.
  • Youth inclusion: 60 youths were trained and employed as Tradr agents and training personnel, creating new jobs and opportunities within the communities.
Image of female farmers and beneficiaries of the partnership

Meanwhile, consider Amina and Yusuf in Yobe and Adamawa states…

  • Amina, a farmer in Yobe, finally earning fair prices for her cowpea harvest, able to send her children to school and invest in her farm.
  • Yusuf, a young farmer in Adamawa, learning water harvesting techniques to combat drought, ensuring his crops flourish even in dry seasons.
  • The entire community of Gombe benefiting from a strengthened agricultural infrastructure, with improved access to food and opportunities.

Building a More Resilient Future:

"Preventing the Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture" is a testament to the power of collaboration. By combining ThriveAgric's technological expertise with Mercy Corps' development experience, the project is creating a ripple effect of positive change.

  • Climate-smart practices: Equipping farmers with the knowledge and tools to adapt to climate change ensures long-term resilience and protects livelihoods in the face of future challenges.
  • Community development: The project strengthens the entire agricultural ecosystem, creating jobs, improving infrastructure, and fostering a culture of collaboration within the community.

Together, ThriveAgric and Mercy Corps are writing a new chapter for North East Nigeria. A chapter where farmers thrive, food security reigns, and the challenges of climate change are met with resilience and hope.

Look out for our 2023 impact report for more impact-driven stories!

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