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January 17, 2024

Our Ayo Arikawe X BusinessDay: ThriveAgric is Scaling African Farms Through Tech and Finance

In a world grappling with food insecurity, ThriveAgric emerges as a beacon of hope for African farmers. Our agritech platform, co-founded by Ayo Arikawe empowers smallholders by bridging the gaps in finance, best practices, and market access. By leveraging technology and data-driven insights, ThriveAgric unlocks sustainable livelihoods and fosters a thriving agricultural ecosystem.

Transparency and ethical practices are cornerstones of our success. Unlike competitors marred by mismanagement, we prioritize clear communication and investor trust. And our flagship AOS system offers real-time data, solidifying trust and paving the way for expansion beyond Nigeria.

Our impact is undeniable. With over 800,000 farmers empowered, 1.5 million tons of grains produced, and $100 million invested in financing, we are transforming the agricultural landscape. Looking ahead, expansion into Kenya and Ghana marks the beginning of a pan-African journey, promising to nourish not just individual communities, but the continent as a whole.

By joining forces with impactful initiatives like ours, we can build a future where African farmers flourish and the continent reaches its full potential as a provider of nourishment for the world. 

Our co-founder and CTO, Ayo Arikawe gave more insights on our mission, challenges and how we have mitigated challenges to produce results and impact in an interview with BusinessDay. You can catch up on his interview with BusinessDay here.

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